Free Tutoring Project

The tutoring for winter semester has begun! Follow the facebook groups for updates >>

Are you struggling in physics, chemistry, C language or Matlab language programming?

The TSA tutoring project provides you with experienced teachers and an excellent learning environment.
Our teachers are waiting for you in the study areas, to answer questions and help understand and solve the courses exercises.
During the examination period, marathons are held before exams - details will be published before the beginning of the first examination period.

How much does it cost? – Nothing! The service is free to all TSA members.

How does it work? - Just come to one of the study areas, approach the teacher with pre-prepared questions, problems and unclear issues and they will help you.

Which courses can you help me with? - Visit the projects' Facebook pages (links on the right!) and check what classes are available. 


Keep up with the activities in the mentoring Facebook page:

C language

Mentors Wanted!

Want to join our tutoring program?

If you have received a grade of 90 or more in one of the physics, chemistry, C language or Matlab courses and you are able to instruct and explain the material, we will be happy to add you to our ranks.

Please send your CV to the Tutoring Coordinator: