TSA - The Technion Students Association is one of the first and biggest student associations in Israel.

The Association's role is to represent the students at the Technion and to provide the necessary services for students in the years in which they are part of the Technion family.

The Association operates through two main branches:

A representative-volunteer branch is composed of Academic Representatives and Faculty Committees. Its members have a double role - to represent the students to the Technion staff and to represent them within the TSA institutions - all Semester Representatives constitute the Council of Representatives, which is the legislative body in the association that elects the chairperson and their deputy. All chairpersons of the faculties constitute the Executive Committee - the body that outlines the ongoing TSA policy.

A professional operational branch is headed by the chairperson and their deputy. Its members are selected in tenders to serve in salaried positions for the benefit of all students. The association's offices, coordinators and other employees work tirelessly in the following fields: academic, educational, campus life, cultural and social, to provide quality services to students.

Organizational Structure

Protocols Archive:

TSA logo

The Association Goals

From the TSA Regulations:

The Regulations are a contract between the association and its members, among themselves, and the outline of the basic guidelines for its activity. (clause 1)

The goals of the association are:

A. To develop mutual assistance between members of the association.

B. To take care of the its members’ academic needs and interests, material and cultural, and to expand their education, all by representing, promoting interests, and providing various services.

C. To protect and defend the rights of every association member as an individual and of all the students of the association as a public in conjunction with the Technion.

D. To protect and defend the interests of student in reserve duty or any other national duty, to assist them and to prevent the violation of their rights by the Technion, academic and administrative authorities.

E. To familiarize the students with activities at the Technion for the benefit of the institute development and efficiency, and to serve as a representative and connecting institution between the students and the Technion.

F. To assist the students of the association in finding casual and professional employment during their studies, and up to one year from the end of their studies.

G. To represent the members of the association, in Israel and abroad, while maintaining contact with any organization, institution or other body that the board has decided to communicate with.

H. To carry out its activities without any ideological-political platform, to receive members to the TSA without any difference in nationality, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation and political position.

I. To promote social and environmental involvement and volunteering activities among members of the association.

Contact us

TSA Chairpersonyor@asat.technion.ac.il
TSA Deputy Chairpersonsyor@asat.technion.ac.il
Faculty Committees
Audit Committee Chairpersonbikoret@asat.technion.ac.il
Academic Committee Chairpersonacadem@asat.technion.ac.il
Director of Study Support Officelemida@asat.technion.ac.il
Campus Office Directorcampus@asat.technion.ac.il
Culture Office Directortarbut@asat.technion.ac.il
Social Office Directorsocial@asat.technion.ac.il
Advertising Office Directorpirsum@asat.technion.ac.il
TSA Spokespersondover@asat.technion.ac.il
Effect CEOceoeffect@asat.technion.ac.il
Sport Unit CEOmanager.sport@asat.technion.ac.il

TSA needs you

Dozens of students are employed by the TSA in a variety of positions and scopes. The work at TSA combines challenging but flexible work close to home, in a young atmosphere and a sense of mission.

Find a role that suits you



TSA as a voluntary association

TSA is a registered voluntary association that operates by virtue of a law (RA 58-001-508-9), which defines the manner of its operation and constitutes the legal infrastructure for all its activities. 

Law of voluntary associations

TSA regulations (Hebrew only)



TSA Budget

In 2011, TSA published its budget to the student public for the first time, detailing the various activities of the association and their cost.

How to read the budget:

Budget summary - This section lists the total budget for each office in the TSA.

Budget balance - Voluntary associations, such as the TSA, must be not-profitable, and all the income of the association is intended to realize its goals. Therefore, the TSA budget is a balanced budget, which means that total expenditures are equal to total income. If at the end of the budget year there is a surplus of income over expenditure, it is transferred to offset past deficits.

Structure of the sections – The income, expenditure and total sum for every project is detailed as follows:

Simulations Tests

Income from student participation1,200 NIS 
Salary expenses(2,070) NIS 
Total(870) NIS 

Expense - An amount shown in brackets is a budgetary expense.

Income - An amount that does not appear in brackets is a predicted income.

Total - Shows whether the project causes a financial expense to the association or not.

To the Israel Associations website (Hebrew only)